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I'm Schei Wang. Currently an MFA candidate at Medis Design Practices Program of ArtCenter Collge os Design.  I was grown up in Taiwan and have a BA degree in Cultural Studies and Anthropology.

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Thesis process

Current computer interface requires human body adapts to the machine. But what if interface becomes more as one part of the body to embrace the idea that body movement and cognition are reflecting and influencing each other.

I am proposing a context based gestural language which constitutes a learning system between human and machine to support user intention and also questioning the boundary between interface and sense in my series of studies.

axis 1: Human learning - Machine learning

axis 2: Physical - Psychological


1. Creating a scenario of a mutaul learning process

So far I have explored the idea of muscle memory which leads to the field of human learning in an interaction experience, the idea of the responsive design which connects to the field of machine learning in an interaction, and also the implicit line between both fields. There is a mutual learning process happening in this reciprocal action. The machine is learning individual behavior for sending the customized, context based response, the users also subconsciously or consciously adapt themselves to the machine for conducting a more efficient activity with the intelligent system.

I decided to focus my next step on this mutual learning process which I identify it as ritual and symbolic. The intelligent system and the user create the common language or the identified symbol (I am looking at Saussur's idea of sign and symbol, langue parole) through the repetitive activity or practice. This act imprints a "mark" (not a physical mark) on the human body as body memory and disappears by time if the action is not continuing for a period of time (likes a Scar ). Each user will have their own set of symbols with the smart system influenced by their stories (likes a personal map... ).

Those are my research materials and inspirations:

2. Refine the proposition matrix

+ divided to two set: axis 1: Human learning - Machine learning axis 2: Physical - Psychological

+ insight

+ analysis

3. The Title?

4. Rather than muscle memory is there a better way to describe "it"?

Muscle doesn't have really...

Body memory?

StartFragmentBy practicing, repetition of a physical motion, our muscle can easily adopt to new work out. It is cause by increasing muscle's strength, balance, sensibility, coordination, and more efficient neural pathways between the brain and the muscle. EndFragment

5. How to package the idea?


Other question:

What means intuitive if all the body ability/skill can be trained by practices

Spontaneous versus Intuitive

How to make technology emotional?


When the interaction becomes more as an extension of the body and matches the rhythm develop from the body…

Tipping point:

How we awkwardly using interface

Digital technology rarely inspires emotion. It can be an effective conduit for emotion: transmitting a message to a loved one, for instance, or sharing the first picture of a new family member. However, the medium itself rarely evokes emotion in users.


1. Body memories literally be emotional, kinesthetic, or chemical recordings stored at the cellular level and retrievable by returning to or recreating the chemical, emotional, or kinesthetic conditions under which the memory recordings are filed.

2. Our feelings are actually not all perceived by our brain. The brain is in dark and silence. It can never taste anything. It can never hear anything. Electronic pulse is what it only perceives. Not the sweet hot chocolate nor the sassy touch. The brain is deaf, blind and mute. The body is only the converter transfer one energy into the others.

3. Rather using our brain to logically think and conduct the movement. Can we reverse this process, let movement leads thoughts and memories?

4. Sensors enable to save all of the body data in the the cloud. The computer can recognize the overlaid and the unique gestural data. It will renders “hints” to re-experience the past?

5. Body easily adapts new workout

6. Children use their body to learn the world

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